Dukes of Frías

Duke of Frías is a hereditary title created in 1492 by King Ferdinand II of Aragon. It became one of the most important titles in Spain.

The House of Velasco was one of the most powerful and influential noble Castilian families of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Modern Era. Its original territories were situated around Burgos, Álava and eastern Cantabria. The founder of this lineage was Juan de Velasco (1368–1418), Lord High Chamberlain-Chancellor Camarero mayor to the kings of Castile. His elder son, Pedro Fernández de Velasco, became the first count of Haro.

When the first count died in the 1470s, he was succeeded by his eldest son Pedro Fernández de Velasco, 2nd Count of Haro. Pedro Fernández de Velasco became the hereditary constable of Castile, a title which previously had been only a life appointment. His son, Don Bernardino de Velasco, third Count of Haro and second hereditary constable of Castile, received the title of duke of Frías.

Counts and countesses of Haro

  1. Don Pedro Fernández de Velasco, 1st Count of Haro
  2. Don Pedro Fernández de Velasco, 2nd Count of Haro (1430–1492)

Dukes and duchesses of Frías

  1. Don Bernardino Fernández de Velasco, 1st Duke of Frías (c.1450 - 9 February 1512)
  2. Don Íñigo Fernández de Velasco, 2nd Duke of Frías (c.1460 - 15 December 1528)
  3. Don Pedro Fernández de Velasco, 3rd Duke of Frías (c.1485)
  4. Don Íñigo Fernández de Velasco, 4th Duke of Frías (c.1530 - 1585)
  5. Don Juan Fernández de Velasco, 5th Duke of Frías (c.1550 - 15 March 1613)
  6. Don Bernardino Fernández de Velasco, 6th Duke of Frías (c.1610 - 1652)
  7. Don Íñigo Melchor de Velasco, 7th Duke of Frías (c.1635 - 27 September 1696)
  8. Don José Fernández de Velasco, 8th Duke of Frías (c.1660 - 9 January 1713)
  9. Doña María de Velasco, 9th Duchess of Frías
  10. Don Agustín Fernández de Velasco, 10th Duke de Frías
  11. Don Bernardino Fernández de Velasco, 11th Duke of Frías
  12. Don Martín Fernández de Velasco, 12th Duke of Frías
  13. Don Diego Fernández de Velasco, 13th Duke of Frías (1754–1811)
  14. Don Bernardino Fernández de Velasco, 14th Duke of Frías
  15. Don José María Fernández de Velasco, 15th Duke of Frías
  16. Don Bernardino Fernández de Velasco, 16th Duke of Frías
  17. Don Guillermo Fernández de Velasco, 17th Duke of Frías
  18. Don José María Fernández de Velasco, 18th Duke of Frías
  19. Don Francisco de Borja de Soto, 19th Duke of Frías


  • Castro Pereira Mouzinho de Albuquerque e Cunha, Fernando de (1995) (in Portuguese). Instrumentário Genealógico - Linhagens Milenárias. pp. 329–30 
  • Costa Felgueiras Gaio, Manuel José da (in Portuguese). Nobiliário das Famílias de Portugal. VII. Portugal: Beltroens 
  • Hobbs, Nicolas (2007). "Grandes de España" (in Spanish). http://grandesp.org.uk/historia/titulos/titintro.htm. Retrieved 15 October 2008. 
  • Sousa, Dom António Caetano de (1946) (in Portuguese). História Genealógica da Casa Real Portuguesa. VI (2ª Edição ed.). Coimbra, Portugal: Atlântida-Livraria Editora, Lda. p. 323 
  • Instituto de Salazar y Castro (in Spanish). Elenco de Grandezas y Titulos Nobiliarios Españoles. periodic publication 
  • "Duques de Frías" (in Portuguese). http://genealogia.netopia.pt/pessoas/pes_show.php?id=3552. Retrieved 15 October 2008.